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- After
- 4 tiered retaining walls in Lenexa, KS. This also helped with any lawn drainage issues in Lenexa, KS.
- Custom built retaining wall in Overland Park, KS
- Custom paver patio and landscaping in Shawnee, KS
- Before – Commercial building landscaping in Lenexa, KS
- After – Commercial irrigation system in Lenexa, KS
- After – Commercial landscape design in Lenexa, KS
- After – Installed new rock, trees, and plants in Lenexa, KS
- Green roof installation at the Kansas City Zoo
- Custom built green roof at the Kansas City Zoo
- Installing plants and shrubs at the Kansas City Zoo
- Before – Commercial building landscaping design in Lenexa, KS
- Installed trees and berm in local Overland Park, KS home
- Installed trees and berm in local Overland Park, KS home
- Installed a berm that used pine straw mulch
- Installed a berm that used pine straw mulch
- Installed a berm that used pine straw mulch
- Before
- Before
- After
- After
- After
- After
- Design
- Landscape
- Residential
- Before
- Plans
- Before – New landscape design in Overland Park KS
- After – Custom built landscaping beds in Overland Park KS with small retaining wall for trim along with new plants, mulch and trees.
- After – Installed beautiful concrete paver retaining wall in along with new plants and mulch in Kansas City.
- Before – Lanscape design tear out in Kansas City
- After – Custom built retaining wall in Lenexa KS with a selcoming from entry. Also installed new trees and plants.
- Before – Tear out landscaping in Olathe KS
- Before – Tear out landscaping in Lenexa KS. Job was for a new landscape design.
- After – Custom retaining wall in Olathe KS. Along with new landscape design in Olathe, KS.
- Before
- After
- Before
- Before
- After
- Before
- Planter bench with bridge over dry creek bed. Shade loving plants.
- Before
- After
- After